Thanks for your interest in vending at an Elevate event.
Here are our standing policies, updated for 2025. By checking the box on your registration form, you indicate that you have READ and AGREE to participate by abiding by these simple guidelines.
- Vendors acknowledge the spirit of the event is handmade, locally made and designed wares, and will ensure that the products they bring to sell fit within that criteria.
- Elevate reserves the right, as the sole discretion of organizers, to refund pre-paid fees for vendors whose product does not fit the criteria of the specific event.
INELIGIBLE products include:- independent distributor items (eg Avon, Sweetlegs);
- mass-market products* (eg. plastic inflatable toys, Ali-Express type imported products);
- non-original artwork printed on mass market products (eg. etsy-sourced sublimation designs on travel mugs purchased from Ali-Express). PLEASE USE YOUR OWN ORIGINAL DESIGNS and Artwork.
- retail collectibles and garage-sale style collections.
- We do allow upcycled clothing and jewelry, but not straight consignment or vintage of either. All items must be reworked with your original idea.
- Vendor communication is by email. Please ensure you have whitelisted “”, or added to your contacts, so you receive our emails.
- Vendors will be given clear instructions about load in, setup and tear down times, at least 4 days before the event. Vendors are expected to READ and FOLLOW the instructions. They are designed to create a streamlined, efficient, easy process for everyone.
- Vendor fees must be paid by the indicated deadline, or the vendor will be considered cancelled.
- It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure fees are paid. We will not chase you. One payment reminder is sent a week before the deadline.
- ALL Elevate Markets are RAIN OR SHINE – no refunds will be given if you don’t attend due to weather. In the extremely unusual case that Elevate were to cancel (rather than postpone) an event due to extreme weather, refunds would be processed within 3 days of the cancelled event.
- Vendor fees are non-refundable, and spaces are non-transferable. We may be amenable to case-by-case substitutions in certain circumstances (eg. family emergency).
- Elevate makes no guarantees about event attendee levels, and we are not responsible for your sales success.
- Vendors are expected to spread the word about their participation – through their own networks – to help ensure the success of the event.
- Vendors agree to create an atmosphere of inclusion, equity and acceptance. Bring your best self and sense of humour to all markets.
- Hostility, abusive, and/or predatory behavior will not be accepted from vendors, staff, or attendees, and will be addressed swiftly by Elevate management.
- Vendors will strive towards minimal use of single-use plastics or packaging, wherever possible, and take responsibility for the waste stream of their own products as much as feasible.
- Elevate aims toward a zero-waste event and encourages re-use, reduction of excess, and recycling of as much as we are able.