“I asked a friend once, who I highly regard as a brilliant farming/gardening wizard, “whats one piece of advice you could give to creating an amazing & successful garden?” His reply was “Make it beautiful!”
My landlords butchered our yards once, to make it beautiful in the suburb, green grass, everyone can see you tanning naked, and everything else you do kind of way. So I pieced together some trellises from scrap wood around my shop, to regain some of the private downtown paradise we used to enjoy. I thought, I cannot stand boring, uniform privacy screens and ticky tacky trellises that all look the same. So I decided to obscure the design. Make it asymmetrical, a little wonky, kind of like me, and a lot like life.
All the sudden everyone wanted one. There started my journey as the Garden Elf. Elf because I see elves as having a special relationship with the forest and nature, and simply because its obvious, that we could very well descend either ,Elves, fairies, aliens and other magical creatures.
Since then Ive been working almost full time at home working in the shop in the back. I appreciated the excitement and support of my friends and community, for this allows me to be exactly where I want to be. Home being creative, with my love and baby momma Sonia and our sweet bright eyed baby Pearl.
My vision with Garden Elf Creations, is to provide products that aid in the functionality and beauty of the garden. From space saving planting boxes, funky garden trellis’s, arbors, privacy screens, and artistic fence panels.Check out the photo gallery of different designs already made to start visioning where one will nicely fit into your garden.
Support the arts!! Encourage creativity!
Garden Elf